Event Handler

Taking into consideration that we have Event Stream enabled, that means that each exception thrown in our app is an event.

So that:

Fault::throw(\Exception::class, 'bad message');

Is an event called ‘Exception’.

In order to register a handler we use the Fault::registerHandler() method which takes 3 parameters:

class Fault
public static registerHandler($eventId, $handler, $override=false)
  • $eventId (string)

  • $handler (\Omega\FaultManager\Interfaces\FaultManagerEventHandler)

  • $override (bool)

  • $eventId The name of the event

  • $handler The handler object that must implement the FaultManagerEventHandler interface

  • $override If that is set to true, then it will override a handler previously defined

Fault::registerHandler(\Exception::class, MyHandler());

If the asterisk (*) character is used as a value for $eventId parameter, then that handler will listen to all events.

class Fault


Fault::registerHandler(Fault::ALL_EVENTS, MyHandler());

Event Handler Object

The event handler object must implement the \Omega\FaultManager\Interfaces\FaultManagerEventHandler interface.

a simple event handler will look like this:

Example 10 Event Handler
class SimpleHandler implements \Omega\FaultManager\Interfaces\FaultManagerEventHandler
    public function __invoke(\Throwable $exception)
        \dump('I got: ' . \get_class($exception) . " with message: '{$exception->getMessage()}'");


the following code:

Fault::registerHandler(Fault::ALL_EVENTS, new SimpleHandler());

try {
    try {
        Fault::throw('CustomException', 'Message from try!');
    } catch (\CustomException $exception) {
        Fault::throw(\Exception::class, 'Message from catch!');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    \dump('I catch ' . get_class($exception) . '!');

will result in:

"I got: CustomException with message: 'Message from try!'"
"I got: Exception with message: 'Message from catch!'"
"I catch Exception!"