Quick Start

It is recommended to place use Omega\FaultManager\Fault; in your PHP file in order to call \Omega\FaultManager\Fault class directly.

Traditional way

Example 1 Traditional Exception Throw
try {
    throw new \Exception('Something bad happened!');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    // Do some handling

Fault Manager approach

You can either use Fault::throw() as shown in the below example

Example 2 Fault Manager Fault::throw() method
try {
    Fault::throw(\Exception::class, 'Something bad happened!');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    // Do some handling

Or if you feel that you prefer to have a more traditional way then you can use Fault::exception() instead.

Example 3 Fault Manager Fault::exception() method
try {
    throw Fault::exception(\Exception::class, 'Something bad happened!');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    // Do some handling

But Fault Manager is not just an Exception factory… To learn more, continue to Reference.